I love to taste everything!
Cheek chub!
My hockey hoodie and sweet hat.
Well it decided to get cold right quickly! It's been in the teens and twenties a lot this past week and winter has definitely settled in. This is OK because we get to show off the little monkey in his cool knit hats from Rob, and his fleece suits from, well we now have quite a few of these (thanks all). There's no snow yet, but it can't be far off. Asher is still doing well, and growing bigger by the day! Up to almost 17 lbs now- check out the cheek chub there! We love his smiles and serious faces, his squeaks and coos, and he's even said "mama"! Nathan is very jealous, but nothing on the dada front... yet. We don't think that he knows what mama means other than it makes mama very, very happy and excited- perhaps that's what it actually means.