Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Digs!

Some photos of things as we start: stripping wallpaper, patching and painting walls. We are excited to have new digs, and promise to post pics a little more often. Hopefully we will be all moved in before Christmas.


Living Room is through the right, bedrooms and bath to the left.

New House!

Living Room.

Stripping wall paper. Asher loves piles of gooey old wall paper.
Fortunately, he also likes clean floors.

Grandpa Ev has been lots of help! Thanks so much!

New House!

A new firetruck out to Peaks Island! Lights and sirens are fun!

Just monkeying around.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Well, It's been quite some time since we've posted anything. This does not mean things aren't happening, quite the opposite actually.

Asher continues to grow and amaze us everyday. He talks quite a bit and sometimes we can even understand what he's saying. He can really move and is sometimes a danger to himself: just shy of 16 months and he's already had his first trip to the ER. A bump on the head gave some concern about a possible concussion. No permanent damage and he's taken a couple more bonks to the head since- how do you explain to your child that, while it is immensely fun to move your little feet very, very fast, it's also good idea to watch what's in front of you and under those feet? Anne and I are thus well on the way to the grey hair. Asher might also be a neat freak, he certainly likes to use the little vaccuum which is in direct contradiction to his need to throw just about everything onto the floor- job security perhaps?

In other news, we are also getting ready to close on our first home at the end of this week. This is simultaneously exciting and nerve wracking. We have a little time left on our lease which we will likely use in scraping wallpaper, painting, and some minor fix ups. More on this later.

The photos below, are mostly from the fall. I have to go back and look at summer highlights, but wanted to post what I have. There's some good times at our apartment; we enjoyed a gorgeous day at the beach towards the end of September; Anne and Asher went to Pumpkinland to pick out Asher's first gourd; and some good times on the island with Grandma Barb and Grandpa Ev, as well as a very nice moon over Spar Cove.

"Asher, it's bath time. Why don't you pick some tub toys out for tonight's bath..." like the throw pillows from the living room, or the remote control.

Nice job son!
Nothing like a soup ladle for entertainment!

These are from a balmy September 24.

More Pumpkinland. Here's what I think of your pumpkin Charlie Brown. Good Grief.

Curls. Anne says I must publish all photographic evidence.

It's really hard to get a shot of him sitting still now.

Somehow, the shoe rack offends his sense of order. SHOESBELONGINAHEAPWHEREICANSITONTHEM! Actually, the sitting on them was a once off. Asher can not however, stand to let shoes remain on the rack. The rack has since been removed because he progressed to pulling it down on his head and, even if I anchored it to the wall, he would still pull all the shoes off of it.

Taking time to smell the flowers, or mint...

Grandpa Ev makes really good chicken noises while tickling me.

Full moon over Spar Cove